First day of Chinese School this Sunday (1/7/2018)

Just a friendly reminder that this Sunday is the first day of Chinese School for Spring 2018.  All of our classrooms are located downstairs at the Vestavia Hills Civic Center (1973 Merryvale Rd. Vestavia Hills, AL 35216).


Also, please check our school calendar for the dates when we do not have classes (currently we’ll not have classes on 1/14, 2/18 and 4/1).  Reminder emails will also be sent a week before these dates.


We’re collecting volunteer fee at the beginning of the school to encourage parents participation. If parents volunteer at least two times during the semester, we’ll return the volunteer fee at the end of the school. Here’s the link to sign up for volunteer jobs:


The tuition $190 and volunteer fee $10 (total $200) are due on the first day of class. Room parents will help to collect tuition and fees.  You can pay by check or cash. If you pay by check, please make your check payable to “Yuren Chinese School”.


For those kids who will participate in the dancing performance in 2018 Chinese New year Festival, please remind them to come to Vestavian Room at 2:45 PM this Sunday for the dancing practice.  The practice will last about 30 minutes.  Please sign up to bring snacks for the practice:


Yuren Chinese School is presenting “Chinese Reading Club For Kids”. If your kids are interested, please sign up to join: go/4090545aaaf28a6f94-chinese.  And here’s the link for parents to sign up for presentation:


Happy New Year 2018 and see you on Sunday.


New Students? Please find registration form here: Registration Form – 2018 Spring